Master Xehanort shook his head from left to right"We dont have mission's. We all only focus on one thing, gathering information that leads us closer to Kingdom Hearts. But there are some times when I will recommend a person for you to talk to or a place for you to investigate. We go our own ways and do things our ways, but they all have to focus on our goal. We dont accept things such as you think you'r on to something and it ends up being nothing. We must always have a possitive result to our actions. Should it be negative, you'r released from the organization with no memory at all and left on a planet of our decision where you must live through the basic's you learned as a child and advance from there." He walked to a computer and sat down. He began typing things until the screen flipped to another. He then stood up and walked back to Kaden and grinned "Right now, there is a place that I recommend you explore. But this place is special and well guarded. Its ruled by a king and queen. Its full of knights and mages. So do you'r best not to get caught. The place is a white and blue castle with a flag at the top. This is all I can tell you..." He grinned at Kaden as he stood there, waiting for him to respond. [disney castle, i will try to get sum1 else who plays to rp with u there. if not, then i would just post the entire thing in one big post....]